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    How to make in Yandex history to be saved. How to make sure that history is not saved

    1. Instruction
    2. Restore from a previously saved history
    3. Opera
    4. Mozilla
    5. Google chrome
    6. Yandex Browser
    7. What should you not spend time on?
    8. DNS cache is not browser pages
    9. System restore or history?
    10. Returning deleted data will not save history
    11. Correct deletion of information
    12. Customize log
    13. Search setting

    Confidentiality and privacy when surfing the Internet sometimes needs to be temporarily enhanced, for example, when work is not done from a personal computer. AT modern browsers there is no need to install any add-ons to provide the necessary privacy settings, since all the necessary functions of optional privacy level changes are present in the browsers themselves, incl. in the Opera.


  • Use a one-time history clearing if you want to clear the history for one session. The same effect will be given by switching on the incognito mode for one session or temporarily disabling the storage of the history. You can change this setting through the Opera's main settings dialog box on the advanced settings tab, the "History" menu item. This will allow to keep all those links in the journal that existed before the beginning of the session with the browser with the disabled saving of the visited pages.
  • Activate the complete shutdown of saving the list of visited pages, if you need to completely deactivate logging in the browser. Open the Opera browser settings dialog via the main menu button or by pressing the Ctrl + F12 key combination. Switch to the tab with the list of advanced settings and select the “History” menu item on the left. First, click the “Clear” button to delete already existing entries in the history log, then uncheck the “Remember content of visited pages” box to remove the cache with information about visited addresses, and set the value of the “Remember addresses” parameter to zero by selecting from the list the desired option. After that, apply the settings by clicking the OK button.
  • Use the sidebar and menu with quick access to the settings if the button with the main menu is not available. On the icon with the magazine, call the context menu, select the item "Store history", click on the subitem "0 positions". The effect is the same, only existing entries are not deleted and the cache with loaded pages from the magazine is not cleared. This method is suitable for the case when you just need to disable the storage of history, without destroying previously saved lists of visited pages.
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    If you deleted your browser history and now you want to find a previously visited page, here you will find a real method to restore the list of visited pages and find out which pitfalls await you on the Internet.

    If you are interested in restoring a story that was not saved in advance, then we recommend reading:

    Restore from a previously saved history

    I offer you an option that I myself checked on each of the browsers described below.

    You can restore the deleted history in the following order:

    1. Save the history file.
    2. Copy it to a specially created folder, i.e., make a backup.
    3. If you deleted a story and wanted to restore it, return the saved files from the backup to the original folder.

    First you need to allow the Explorer to display the folders hidden on the PC. So go to the explorer, click "Tools → Folder Options."

    In the window that appears, activate the "View" tab and check the box next to "Show hidden ...". Click the "Apply" button.

    Further work order is shown on the example of Opera. For other browsers, the technology is the same. The only difference is in the name of the file and its location, which I will indicate.

    Open the folder AppData. You get to it through Users (Users) →. Until the end of the article do not leave it.


    Find the history file. Go to it through folders: Roaming → Opera Software → Opera Stable.

    Copy it to any folder on your hard drive. This will be a backup history file. Now, if you clear the list of visited pages in your browser, you can restore it. To do this, do this:

    1. Close Opera.
    2. Copy the backup file to the original folder, i.e. Opera Stable .
    3. Launch a browser and enjoy the returned list of web pages.

    Make such a backup regularly, and you will not have problems returning the list of visited pages.


    You need the places.sqlite file. Then go to Roaming again, and then to Mozilla → Firefox → Profiles. If you see a subfolder in Profiles, do not worry : places.sqlite inside it.

    Google chrome

    Here the file is called History . Go to him on this path: Local → Google → Chrome → User Data → Default .

    Yandex Browser

    The file is called History . The path is as follows: Local → Yandex → ​​YandexBrowser → User Data → Default.

    If you searched on the Internet how to restore a deleted history, you could get to the recommendations of the mountain experts who did not try on the computer what they advise others. Following their methods, one can only kill time and scold oneself for the fact that absolutely nothing succeeds. And the reason is not in you, but in the source of information.

    I tested the methods described in the network myself. I will say that without preliminary measures, you will not be able to return the list of visited pages.

    The reason is simple - this list is saved in a specific file, which is rewritten when you click the "Clear History" button, but is not deleted.

    What should you not spend time on?

    I will show you the pitfalls that you can run into

    DNS cache is not browser pages

    If you decide to save the situation using the DNS cache, then in this way you can see a list of all the sites accessed by the computer, but not restore the history of the browser.

    To verify this, write to command line ipconfig / displaydns and find out who your PC is talking to behind your back. But necessary pages will not find.

    System restore or history?

    If on any site they say that you can use the Windows System Restore utility, it will help otherwise, but you will not return the list of visits.

    The utility returns the registry to its previous state along with the resumption of the old list installed programs . If you delete the browser, it may appear again after the system restore. But the erased story will not recover.

    Returning deleted data will not save history

    When deleting a history, no files on the computer are deleted. Only their contents change. Therefore, the data recovery program will not return you a list of web pages, but only files if you deleted them manually.

    If you have not done this, then this method will not work.

    I will be glad to your questions.

    Yandex is the leader of the Russian-language search engine. Designed by global network helps multi-million users get a variety of information.

    By typing any phrase or sentence in a search engine, you can immediately find the answer to the question.

    Popular searches are presented in a single list. Therefore, frequently asked questions immediately pop up in the tips. After logging in to Yandex, an account is opened, where the entire history is stored.

    Some users often ask about disabling a function that remembers information in the Yandex browser. All requests entered by users are always stored in the server. The virtual storage that is in your account captures not only the requests, but also the date, time, search prompt, and also the transition from one portal to another.

    Correct deletion of information

    Almost every second user faces the problem of deleting information. Many do not know how to correctly delete and disable the entered data in the Yandex browser.

    Therefore, in this case, you should listen to the recommendations of professionals and follow the instructions. After that, any problem will be solved without unnecessary trouble.

    To begin with, to clear the history, you need to log in to Yandex. Users who do not have their own account must register with the system in order to follow up.

    In the profile options, you need to click on the icon that is displayed in the right side of the upper corner. As soon as the menu appears, select “Other Settings”.

    As soon as the menu appears, select “Other Settings”

    Moving to a new page, you will have to go to the "My Finds" section. To delete all entries, click on “Clear”. In order to avoid recording events, you will have to use the “stop recording” section. Some users do not want to completely remove the information. In this case, you should selectively delete the record that is stored in the Yandex browser.

    To perform this operation, the user must go to the “My Finds” section, go back to the link and then click on the “cross” icon, which is displayed next to the records that you need to get rid of forever.

    Customize log

    After logging in to Yandex, you should open the page by clicking on this link tune.yandex.ru/suggest/. To disable the tips, you will have to remove the checkmarks that display the options "My requests". You can get rid of the contents of the log by clicking "Clear". Next, you have to agree with the change of options and click on the "Save" button.

    Search setting

    If you do not want to completely remove the entry from the browser, you will have to go to the "Search Result Settings" section. After finding a personal search, remove the checkboxes that are located near the function. Next, you need to click "Stop recording" and save. This procedure does not take much time. Therefore, each person can independently cope with this task.

    All Internet browsers have a history of pages visited by the user, also various data is recorded in the cache, such as video and audio files, images and various scripts . All this is done for ease of navigation and saving Internet traffic. In order to prohibit the browser to keep history, you must make the appropriate settings in the program.

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    If you use Opera browser , then to disable the history, open the settings window. Go to the tab "Advanced" in the left menu, select "History". Select "0" in the "Remember Addresses" drop-down list. After that, the visited pages will not be displayed in the history, nor will they be issued as autocomplete. Here you can also prohibit the use of the cache by the browser, in this case the contents of the visited pages will also not be saved.

    Browser Users Mozilla firefox you need to open the settings window and go to the “Privacy” tab. In the drop-down list, select the item “will not remember the story”.

    If you use a browser to work with the Internet Internet Explorer then open the “Internet Options” window and go to the “General” tab. In the "Journal" group, specify "0", after which the links of recently visited pages will not be saved. To configure the cache, click the "Options" button in the "Temporary Internet files" group. In the “Parameters” window that opens, drag the “Slide on disk no more” slider to the left edge or enter “0” in the corresponding window.

    How simple

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