To pay for the use of this or that software product downloaded from the Play Store, you will have to enter your bank card details into the settlement system. And if a single money transfer is not a problem, then frequent financial transactions can take you quite a lot of time. Therefore, active users link a debit or credit card to their Google account. However, there may be several bindings. If any card has expired, it becomes useless. In this case, it should be disconnected from the account in Play market . Let's figure out how to untie bank card from Google play .
Removal of the payment system through a computer
Unlink a bank card from Google Play via PC or mobile device . In the first case, an unnecessary payment system is decoupled as follows:
If instead of a remote payment system you need to link another calculation method to Google Play, then in the “Payment methods” window you should click “Add” and then fill in the appropriate form with the bank details of the banking product.
It should be noted that if Google Wallet was linked to your profile as a payment system, you will not be able to get rid of it in the manner described. You can only reset this wallet or transfer funds on it to a bank account.
How to remove a debit card through a mobile phone
Considering how to untie a bank card from Google Play, you should note the way to perform this operation via a smartphone. For this you need:
After performing these steps, you will be taken to the Google Play payment service website. Here you will need to make an authorization in the system, find an unnecessary card and disable it.
AT Play Store Market, you can make payments not only with debit (credit) cards, but also through various electronic services . Their linking and deleting is practically no different from similar operations with banking systems.
Having figured out how to remove and bind payment system to Play Market, you will be able to pay for purchases with a few clicks, as well as, if necessary, clear your personal account of unnecessary cards without external help.
As you know, to register on the popular Avito Internet resource, you must specify your valid number mobile phone . However, there are cases when the phone is lost or just changed. telephone number , which was specified at the time of registration on the site. Both in the first and in the second case it is necessary to change the phone number in the user account. Therefore, many users of this resource often have the question of how to untie a phone number on Avito. This article will talk about how this is done and what is needed for that.
So, if the user of the popular Avito ad site just changed the phone number, he can easily change it in his account on his own. All that is required in such a situation is to log into your personal account on the site, make the appropriate changes and be sure to save them. After that, confirmation of the change of the phone number via SMS will be made.
This situation is the most simple and clear. However, there are other cases in which the intervention of moderators is necessary.
Selected cases
If the user of the Avito site intends to completely unlink the existing phone number from his account without a subsequent change, he needs to contact the Support Services of this resource for help. For these purposes it is necessary to perform several sequential actions:
- enter the Avito ad site;
- at the very bottom home page find the section "About the company" and open it;
- in this section, select "Feedback";
- fill in the submitted request form, detailing your request in it, as well as your name and email address;
- after some time, your application will be reviewed by the moderators, and the phone number will be completely untied from your profile on Avito.
Now you know how the procedure of decoupling the phone number from your account on the Avito ad site is carried out - just contact the moderators of this resource and they will fulfill your request as soon as possible.
If you just need to change the specified phone number in your profile, you can easily do it yourself. To do this:
- go to your Personal Area Online;
- open the “Settings” section and then select the “Contact Information” block;
- in this block all telephone numbers that were used by the user earlier are placed — opposite each of them there are special edit and delete buttons;
- if necessary, edit any of the numbers you need to click on the edit button - so you can make the appropriate changes;
- if you need to make the new specified phone number appear in all your ads, you must use the option "Install in all ads";
- To change the phone number in the already placed ads, you need to edit each of them separately.
You can easily change the phone number on your account on Avito without any problems. But if you need to completely untie him, please contact Customer Support.
I can assume that you are an Android user with a certain experience, and you have not the first smartphone and tablet. If so, then you may notice that in Play Market A list of all your past and current gadgets is saved. Today I want to tell you how to delete devices that are irrelevant for you on Google Play.
So, do you want a long list of your old devices to not callore any more eyes in the Play Store? Hide it. True, for this purpose we need a computer. But you have it, don't you? ���� Turn on the computer? Launch Chrome, go to the Google Play website, log in with your Google account. In the upper right corner, under your avatar, we see the gear icon. Click on it and select the item “Devices”. Find unused gadgets and remove the checkmark from the item “Show in menu”. Yes, by the way, since we are here now, you can also rename some of your devices at the same time 🙂 The corresponding button is on the right.
If you want to not only hide, but also untie the devices from your account, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the browser (now above that gear 🙂), click on “Account”. Scroll down the page, find the section “Related applications and services” - “Account Access”. Click and go to the page with the connected devices, services and programs that have access to your Google account. The access level is also indicated. Select the device (or application, suddenly at the same time you want to review their rights), on the right we see the “Deny access” button. Push and that's it, the device is no longer connected to your account Google
Choose "Manage Connected Devices"
So, do you want a long list of your old devices to not callore any more eyes in the Play Store?But you have it, don't you?
?�� Turn on the computer?